Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fiesta de brujas

The Pumpkin Fest at Kidspace this weekend kicked off the Halloween festivities. Here's a list of the goods and tiny reviews of the ones we totally enjoy and more events that if we don't go then you should.

We have little ones that would not be able to handle this at night so we go on Sunday during their regular times 11am-3pm. The suggested donation is $3 and worth it. Their sets capture the creepiness and fun for us and them.

Tim Burton closes this weekend and the LACMA will keep the museum open for 38 hours straight through the night so there is no excuse. AND they slashed the price to $10. We'll be there.

This is an annual tradition for us to see our neighbors and friendly faces walking up and down the boooolevard.

We're now members and will be there to watch critters and ghouls. Our kids enjoy the zoo but we've never been to this event. Saturday and Sunday, October 29 & 30, 2011

I broke tradition and ditched Hollywood Forever this weekend for several reasons but will join this activity at the cowboy museum. Now in it's 2nd year, it's a beautiful event.